Video: Never open a bottle of champagne while mounted on a horse

Video: never open a champagne bottle while mounted on a horse
Video: never open a champagne bottle while mounted on a horse (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video of two women on horseback going wrong after opening a champagne bottle is making internet users laugh out loud!

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“This is the most epic champagne opening you’ve ever seen! Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned,” reads the caption shared alongside the video, which has already garnered over 1.2 million views and 61 thousand likes.

The amusing clip, shared on Instagram, shows two women on horseback holding champagne bottles. However, upon hearing the loud pop of the bottle opening, the horses get startled and throw off the women.

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In the comments, internet users had a good laugh at the scene. “Did you really think this was a good idea?” asked one Instagram user. “Those are beautiful horses,” affirmed another. “This could have ended very badly,” stressed a third internet user.

According to the Parelli Natural Horsemanship website, it’s completely normal for horses to be fearful. Their natural instinct is to protect themselves from predators, so a horse can only survive in the wild if it can identify danger and escape quickly.

This content was created with the assistance of AI.

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